How programmers relieve stress and maintain mental health – Thrive Global

Posted: December 9, 2019 at 7:51 pm

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Standards of Mental Health

Correct understanding of reality. Seeing the problem can be objective.

Self-knowledge, self-esteem, and self-acceptance. Be able to evaluate yourself realistically, but dont show too much that you dont deliberately please others. Accept both your strengths and your weaknesses. If a person does not like himself, how can he talk about like others?

Self-regulation. Being able to regulate ones behavior can not only restrain ones own impulses, but also mobilize ones physical and mental strength, and achieve his more advanced goals in practice.

Ability to build intimate relationships with people. Caring for others, good at cooperation, not demanding others to meet their own needs. Such people have close friends and close family members. Unhealthy people have tight interpersonal relationships and use others everywhere to achieve their goals.

Personality framework stability and coordination. This stability and coordination include the adjustment of the gap between ideal and reality, including the coordination of cognition and emotion.

Mental Health-Good Attitude

How to maintain a good attitude?

Vent the unhappiness in an appropriate pattern to relieve psychological stress. Dare to tell your close friends or relatives what you are unhappy about. Crying, reading poetry, writing a diary, watching movies, and listening to music are all common cathartic patterns when you are extremely sad. Cheerful music can inspire emotions.

Get in touch with people and get rid of loneliness. Everyone has a need to belong. They are used to seeing themselves as members of society and want to get love from fellowship. Studies have found that interpersonal communication contributes to physical and mental health. When you sincerely care for others to help others and selflessly dedicate your love, you will be glad to find that you get more than you give. Never isolate yourself from others because you are afraid of others being unhappy. Loneliness only worsens depression.

Mental health-facing setbacks

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Calm and calm, not panic. Increase confidence and courage.

Review the situation and win roundabout. The so-called roundabout victory, that is, the goal remains the same, the method has changed.

Persevere and persevere. When you encounter setbacks, go ahead. Your stated goals remain the same, and your effort doubles.

Move flowers and trees, flexible. If the original goal that is too high cannot be achieved for a while, it can be replaced by a goal that is relatively easy to achieve. This is also a mode of adaptation.

Find the reason and sort out the ideas. When you are frustrated, first calm down to find out the possible causes, and then find a solution to the problem.

Learn to vent and get rid of stress. May wish to find one or two people who are close to you and understand you, and pour out all the words in your heart. From the perspective of mental health, catharsis can eliminate mental stress caused by frustration and reduce mental fatigue.

Seek psychological counseling if necessary. When people are frustrated and overwhelmed, they can turn to a counseling agency. The psychiatrist will be affectionate with you, understand the reason, guide it, and follow the good temptation, so that you will step into the realm of Liu a Hue Ming Yak Village from the predicament of the mountains and the rivers are in doubt.

Mental Health-Relieving Work Stress 1

How to relieve work stress?

Determine the direction and not take the wrong path: Think carefully about what the focus of this work is, and what results you hope to get. Do you really get the results you want after doing this, with your supervisor and the upstream and downstream processes? Colleagues discuss together before deciding the overall direction and process.

Looking at the problem positively is seen as a challenge: optimistic and positive work attitude is our magic weapon. Turning negative pressure into positive will yield surprising results.

Mental Health-Relieving Work Stress 2

Establish a good office relationship: Establish a beneficial and pleasant cooperative relationship with colleagues; establish an effective and supportive relationship with colleagues, understand colleagues problems and let colleagues understand your problems, understand yourself and colleagues at work Rights and obligations.

Read more from the original source:
How programmers relieve stress and maintain mental health - Thrive Global

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Written by admin |

December 9th, 2019 at 7:51 pm

Posted in Mental Attitude

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