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Posted: June 29, 2017 at 6:43 am

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There are roughly two kinds of people: those who continually lament what is wrong with the world, and those who smile away life's difficulties and remain always positive in their thinking. Why take everything so seriously? How wonderful this world would be if everyone were more positive, more harmonious!

In the jungle of civilization, in the stress of modern living, lies the test. Whatever you give out will come back to you. Hate, and you will receive hate in return. When you fill yourself with inharmonious thoughts and emotions, you are destroying yourself. Why hate or be angry with anyone? Love your enemies. Why stew in the heat of anger? If you become riled, get over it at once. Take a walk, count to ten or fifteen, or divert your mind to something pleasant. Let go of the desire to retaliate. When you are angry your brain is overheating, your heart is having valve trouble, your whole body is being devitalized. Exude peace and goodness; because that is the nature of the image of God within you your true nature. Then no one can disturb you.

When you want to create a good habit or destroy a bad one, concentrate on the brain cells, the storehouse of the mechanisms of habits. To create a good habit, meditate; and then with the concentration fixed at the Christ center, the center of will between the eyebrows, deeply affirm the good habit that you want to install. And when you want to destroy bad habits, concentrate at the Christ center and deeply affirm that all the grooves of bad habits are being erased.

I will tell you a true story of the effectiveness of this technique. In India, a man who had a bad temper came to me. He was a specialist in slapping his bosses when he lost his temper, so he also lost one job after another. He would become so uncontrollably irate that he would throw at whoever bothered him anything that was handy. He asked me for help. I told him, The next time you get angry, count to one hundred before you act." He tried it, but came back to me and said, I get more angry when I do that. While I am counting, I am blind with rage for having to wait so long." His case looked hopeless.

Then I told him to practice Kriya Yoga, with this further instruction: After practicing your Kriya, think that the divine Light is going into your brain, soothing it, calming your nerves, calming your emotions, wiping away all anger. And one day your temper tantrums will be gone." Not long after that, he came to me again, and this time he said, I am free from the habit of anger. I am so thankful."

I decided to test him. I arranged for some boys to pick a quarrel with him. I hid myself in the park along the route where he used to pass regularly, so that I could observe. The boys tried again and again to goad him into a fight, but he wouldn't respond. He kept his calmness.


Bless me, that I heal anger hurts in myself with the salve of self-respect, and anger hurts in others with the balsam of kindness."

See the article here:

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Written by simmons |

June 29th, 2017 at 6:43 am

Posted in Meditation

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