Retreat opens up time to meditate more deeply – Mountain View Journal

Posted: June 9, 2017 at 11:47 pm

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In this busy life for many, a weeklong retreat is offering people the chance to clear their minds.

Clarifying Meditative Work An Extended Retreat is weeklong retreat in the East Mountains from June 24 to July 1. Jay Cutts said the retreat is in its 12th year and gives people the space to practice meditation in a lightly structured setting.

While there will be points of time that participants can check in, the retreat is mostly about giving people a peaceful and quiet space for meditation. People can sign up for one day, several days or the whole week, but Cutts said the more time people give themselves to meditate, the more beneficial it will be to addressing issues that havent been dealt with before.

The basic thing is that youre taking time to just work on whats going on under the surface, he said.

Held at a lodge in the Cibola National Forest in Tijeras, fees range from $60 to $290, depending on the number of days participants stay. The fee covers the cost of lodging and other general expenses for putting on the retreat, Cutts said. Advance registration is required.

Each retreat day will include quiet sitting, group discussion, a short talk and some time to meet one-on-one. The day is held in silence, without talking, except for the morning talk, the afternoon discussion and one-on-one meetings. None of the activities are required and participants are free to find their own way. People can practice whatever form of meditation they choose Tibetan, Zen, Vipassana, Hindu, Western or meditation without a traditional context.

Cutts said the spirit of the retreat should appeal to people who enjoy the writings of Pema Chodron, Toni Packer, Thich Nhat Hanh, Eckhart Tolle, Byron Katie, Adyashanti, and Krishnamurti, among others.

Meditative work is, in its deepest sense, not theoretical, not goal oriented, not a matter of time or progress, Cutts said. It is the direct opening, fully complete in this moment now, to a simple, compassionate, open awareness that allows the myriad fears, clingings, confusions of the mind that we all suffer from to be revealed in a new way and at the same time brings us intimately, undividedly and lovingly in touch with the wide universe in all its profound stillness. I feel that, in our deepest hearts, it is the possibility of this openness that we come together to clarify.

He said both experienced sitters and those newly interested in meditation will have a chance to explore directly what meditative work is and how it sheds light on the concerns of our lives. The retreat does not focus on teaching techniques or spiritual theory, although Cutts said it will be fine if these topics come up for discussion.

For those new to meditation, it is a way to calm the nervous system in order to become more aware, Cutts said.

We have all these thoughts that are fighting each other, he said. This is an opportunity to clear away all the stuff that builds up in life.

For reservations or more information, or to be on the mailing list for future workshops, call Cutts at 281-0684 or visit

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Retreat opens up time to meditate more deeply - Mountain View Journal

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Written by grays |

June 9th, 2017 at 11:47 pm

Posted in Meditation

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