Pfeiffer to offer holiday nature crafts and meditation programs – Olean Times Herald

Posted: November 30, 2019 at 5:44 am

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PORTVILLE Officials at the Pfeiffer Nature Center have announced two holiday programs will be offered to the public on Dec. 7.

The first is the Holiday Nature Crafts for Kids program from 10:30 to noon at the Portville Free Library at 2 N. Main St. All ages will enjoy creating fun crafts using items which come directly from nature. Santa Claus will visit and there will be lots of other library craft activities going on as well. The activity is free and open to the public and pre-registration is not required. Minors must be accompanied by an adult, however.


The second event is the Forest Bathing-Moving Meditation session from 2 to 3 p.m. at the Lillibridge location. Forest bathing, also known in Japanese culture as taking in the forest atmosphere or shinrin-yoku, is a moving meditation surrounded by nature. Participants will meet in the parking lot and wander through the woods, taking in the wonders of the beautiful location through all five physical senses as well as our sixth, intuitive sense. Led by Jessie Lampack Slattery, local registered yoga teacher, the session will focus on slowing down amidst a busy season and reflecting on 2019. The program is open to all ages as long as children can remain quiet in order to allow all participants to reap the healing benefits of such an experience. The cost is $5 per person and pre-registration is not required. In the event of freezing rain or extreme temperatures, the program will be moved to Dec. 14 at the same time. If the weather appears questionable, look for a change of date notice on the top of the Centers website home page.

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Pfeiffer to offer holiday nature crafts and meditation programs - Olean Times Herald

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Written by admin |

November 30th, 2019 at 5:44 am

Posted in Meditation

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