New study shows this 20-minute meditation exercise could help you play better golf –

Posted: November 23, 2019 at 7:52 am

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According to the press release, researches recruited 200 participants that had never meditated before and placed them in a 20 minute guided mediation exercise (that you can try yourself below). Participants had their brain waves measured via electroencephalography and afterwards, took a quiz that was intentionally designed to distract them.

And what did they find? Improved focus and, crucially, a better ability to recognize a mistakes when they did make them, learn from them, which in turn helps prevent the same mistakes next time around.

While the research is still in its early days, its easy to see how something like this could benefit golfers.

Golfers constantly make mental mistakes on the golf course: mis-reads, missed putts, wrong club selection, a poor swing or tempo. Ideally, wed love to avoid them altogether, but thats impossible. The most we can do is learn from our mistakes, and not make them again.

So take 20 minutes and give it a try below. See if it helps your game.

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New study shows this 20-minute meditation exercise could help you play better golf -

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Written by admin |

November 23rd, 2019 at 7:52 am

Posted in Meditation

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