Meditation Program Planned –

Posted: February 16, 2017 at 6:43 am

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SOUTHBURY Meditation will be introduced at the Love andKnishes Lunch on noon Wednesday, February 22in the social hall at the Jewish Federation of Western Connecticut, 444 Main St. North.

All area adults are invited to make reservations for the lunches, which feature great programming, good company and delicious food catered by Creative Events by Bonnie.

The Jewish Federation will be hosting Janaki Pierson from Woodbury Yoga Center.

Guests are promised adelicious lunch followed by a guided meditation and discussion on the fundamentals of developing theirown yoga practice.

Whether guestsare experienced with meditation or not, this program is sure to provide themwith insight, thoughtfulness and some ideas on how to enhance overall well-being through the act of meditation.

Ms.Pierson is the co-founder, executive director and principal instructor of the Woodbury Meditation andYoga Center.Ms. Pierson presents seminars on Hatha yoga, meditation, stress management, death and dying,life and living, elementary Sanskrit and thinking into being.

Ms. Pierson has been teaching meditation for more than30 years and has practiceddaily for 35 years.

She teaches extensively throughout New England in medical, educational, corporate and community settings.

Lunch reservations should be made by the Monday before each lunch.

There is a suggested lunch donation of $7.50 for adults age 60 and older.

To RSVP, interested parties may call 203-267-3177, ext. 340 or email


Meditation Program Planned -

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Written by simmons |

February 16th, 2017 at 6:43 am

Posted in Meditation

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