Meditation can be an aid to productivity in the workplace

Posted: October 25, 2014 at 4:51 am

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Serenity now: Meditate more and we'd all likely be more focussed, energised and creative workers.

With the silly season fast approaching, our brains become fuzzy, the energy is frenetic and frankly, what we all need is to do a little less. But I'm wondering: can less really be more?

As a long time fan of meditation, I know that meditating outside work hours helps me feel more energised. But could it also get me through my work day more efficiently? The experts say yes.

Meditate more and we'd all likely be more focussed, energised and creative workers.

Of course, there are a couple of catches which those keen to mediate at work need to resolve. I usually work from home, so stopping every couple of hours to sit quietly and close my eyes is unlikely to surprise anyone bar the neighbour's cat. But try it in the workplace and colleagues will either think you're (a) feeling unwell (b) sleeping on the job or (c) just a little bit wacky.


Given that none of the above is optimal, I'm going to recommend a radical solution for those wanting to meditate at the office: use the bathroom. Or more specifically, use the toilet cubicle.

Twice a day, try locking yourself away for three to five minutes and simply dedicate that time to stopping and giving meditation a go. Don't feel guilty: trust me, if this works for you, your boss will gain the time back multiple times over.

The simplest meditation technique is to focus on the breath: it gives you something to do and stops the brain jumping around contemplating things like the meeting you really don't want to attend after lunch, or more likely wondering why the person in the next cubicle is taking so long. To make meditating even easier, I like to use a silent counting method: inhale slowly for four, then exhale slowly for four. This equal breath is known to steady the mind, while the act of counting provides the focus new meditators need.

Each time I try it, I find two consistent outcomes. First, the feeling of calm is almost immediate.

See the rest here:
Meditation can be an aid to productivity in the workplace

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Written by simmons |

October 25th, 2014 at 4:51 am

Posted in Meditation

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