Meditation and Preparing for Final Exams – The South Texan

Posted: April 29, 2017 at 6:45 am

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Meditation is practiced by almost every religion in the world. Many people meditate in the mornings to clear their mind before going to work. Meditation only works if you truly believe in it without a doubt. There are different types of meditation and can be split into 3 categories. These categories are determined by the way you choose to meditate or the type of meditation you do, focused attention, open monitoring and effortless presence.

According to live and dare blog by Giovanni Diestmann, Im passionate about helping people develop greater self-awareness and mastery over their mind and life. This is the motivation behind this blog. I think its a great source if you are just beginning your spiritual journey. This site offers general knowledge of meditation in a variety of practices learned from masters and teachers alike overtime. This blog offers help if you need more guidance while experimenting with these practices. One of the practices that worked for me were Metta meditation, or the loving kindness meditation this comes from Buddhist traditions, more specifically Tibetan and Theravada lineages. Mett means benevolence, loving-kindness, friendliness, amity, good will, and active interest in others. It is the first of the four sublime states, and one of the ten prams from the Theravda school of Buddhism. To practice this form of meditation you must relax preferably in a meditation position. Close your eyes and imagine whole hearted feelings of kindness and benevolence. First to ones self, then towards others, and finally to the universe.

By practicing this form of meditation Mathieu Richardss has reached the largest capacity for happiness ever recorded. According to the Daily mail Neuroscientist Richard Davidson wired up the monks skull with 256 sensors at the University of Wisconsin as part of research on hundreds of advanced practitioners of meditation. The scans showed that when meditating on compassion, Ricards brain produces a level of gamma waves, linked to consciousness, attention, learning and memory. According to Davidson The scans also showed excessive activity in his brains left prefrontal cortex compared to its right counterpart, giving him an abnormally large capacity for happiness and a reduced propensity towards negativity, researchers believe.

Meditation is one way you can escape all your problems and be peaceful in that moment. Through these practices I have grown spiritually and mentally healthy. I also learned to take the time needed to focus on what is important in life rather than the petty little things that often consume your thoughts.


Meditation and Preparing for Final Exams - The South Texan

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Written by simmons |

April 29th, 2017 at 6:45 am

Posted in Meditation

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