How to take mindfulness on the road, with a walking meditation – Well+Good

Posted: May 29, 2017 at 11:42 pm

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Photo: Stocksy/Trinette Reed


So youresitting down to meditate, ready to find your Zen withyour favorite app,a mindful group, or maybe even with the help ofa hammock thats floating in midairand suddenly, keeping your body still is about as easy as walking past an avocado-themed restaurant without even peeking at the menu (AKA impossible).

Hey, it happenssometimes,being busy 24/7 becomesso ingrained that stayingmotionlessand focusing on yourbreath is just not. gonna. happen.

Thats whena mindful walk can be a perfect alternative. Consider it an ideal opportunityto experiencethepositive effects of living in the momentwhile boosting your step count for the day.

You can still practice being presentand awarewhile incorporating movement.

[A walk] can have the same effect as regular meditating, says Jamie Price, wellness expert and co-founder of theStop, Breathe, and Thinkapp. It gets you out of your head and works as a great excuse to get you outside, which itself has a rejuvenating effect on your brain. (Seriously: Science proves that getting outdoors has a positive impact on your mental health).

Unlike seated methods, which can getyou worrying about breathing correctly or your foot falling asleep, walking letsyou focus on the sensationsthat accompanyeach step you take. You can still practice being presentand awarewhile incorporating movement, says Price.

And ifyour thoughts start to wander, simply bring your attention back to your body in motionwhich, for some people, can bemuch easier than pure stillness.


The simplestplace to begin: Try connecting your mind to your movements. Really pay attention to how every part of your body feels with each step, says Price. For example, notice your foot touching the ground and your thigh muscles moving forward.

She notes that usually, it doesnt take long to get lost in thought (of course), but its also easy enough to hit reset. Get back to whats happening in your body, Price says. Use your next step as an opportunity to start over.


Another optionis to make a point of enjoying everything you see around you: adorable pups, blooming flowers or your fave smoothie truck on the corner, for example. Really pay attention to your surroundings and observe details without thinking too much about them, she says. Just take it all in without any judgment.

Price says that its key to add a layer of appreciation for what your senses observe. The idea is to [be] open and curious, she explains. I focus on sights and sounds and spend a moment feeling gratitude for how beautiful it is. Cultivate a joyful appreciation.


Whether youre near greenery or in a concrete jungle, Price notes that this practice travelsanywhereas long as its done outside. Those senses youre experiencing might be triggered differently in a nature setting versus a city, she says, but the conceptof focus and sensory awareness works in any place. So, next time youset out for a stroll,you can always choose to take it up a (mindful) notchwhether youre walking a scenic waterfront path on vacay, getting some forest bathing in, or pounding the pavement during your workweek.

You can also try this outdoor meditation as a genius de-stressing tool. And heres what to do when meditation just doesnt work for you.

See the original post here:

How to take mindfulness on the road, with a walking meditation - Well+Good

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Written by grays |

May 29th, 2017 at 11:42 pm

Posted in Meditation

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