How to Meditate for Beginners: 15 Steps (with Pictures)

Posted: September 19, 2016 at 3:43 pm

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Two Parts:Preparing for MeditationMeditatingCommunity Q&A

The benefits of meditating are much touted by those already undertaking daily or regular meditation. People have different reasons for wanting to meditate: quelling the internal chatter, getting to know oneself better, finding calm and a sense of grounding, enforced restful contemplation, or tying it to one's faith. Whatever your reason for wanting to meditate, it can be daunting to know how to begin and how to stay motivated.


Think about what you want to achieve with your meditation. People come to meditation for a wide range of reasons whether to improve their creativity, help visualize a goal, quiet their inner chatter, or make a spiritual connection. If your only goal is to spend a few minutes every day being present in your body without worrying about everything you have to do, thats reason enough to meditate. Try not to over-complicate your reasons for meditating. At its core, meditation is just about relaxing and refusing to be caught up in everyday anxieties.




Wear comfortable clothes. You dont want anything to pull you out of your meditative thinking, so avoid restrictive clothing that might pull on you, like jeans or tight pants. Think about what you might wear to exercise or to sleep in those types of loose, breathable clothes are your best bet.





Dont fret about what to do with your hands. In the media, we often see people holding their hands at their knees when meditating, but if thats uncomfortable for you, dont worry about it. You can fold them in your lap, let them hang at your sides whatever allows you to clear your mind and concentrate on your breathing.


Tilt your chin as though youre looking downward. It doesnt matter if your eyes are opened or closed when you meditate, though many people find it easier to block out visual distractions with closed eyes. Either way, tilting your head as though youre looking down helps open up the chest and ease your breathing.







Dont be too hard on yourself. Accept that focus will be hard for you when youre just starting out. Don't berate yourselfall beginners experience the inner chatter. In fact, some would say that this continual return to the present moment is the "practice" of meditation. Furthermore, dont expect your meditation practice to change your life overnight. Mindfulness takes time to exert its influence. Keep coming back to meditation every day for at least a few minutes, lengthening your sessions when possible.

Is it okay to meditate after eating?

wikiHow Contributor

Meditation is not an active activity, so it is okay to meditate after eating; you may want to also go to the bathroom beforehand if you're worried about interrupting yourself. Since the brain is actually more likely to wander if you're hungry, meditating after eating may be better than meditating beforehand.

Can meditation heal a broken heart?

wikiHow Contributor

It can help. If you meditate on overcoming your sadness, it can relieve the stress and anxiety of being heartbroken.

Can you listen to music while meditating?

wikiHow Contributor

It really depends on the person. For some people, listening to peaceful and spiritually inclined music calms their mind. For others, it tends to be a distraction. Try both ways, then do what feels most natural.

What is the difference between sleep and meditation?

wikiHow Contributor

Sleep is what you do at night. It's a biological condition of body in which the nervous system is inactive, the postural muscles relaxed, and consciousness is practically suspended, and includes dreaming, etc. Meditation, however, is done while you are when you are awake. There are many different ways to meditate. Meditation can sometimes lead to sleep, as for many people, when they are in a calm and relaxed state, their body will shut down into rest-mode. It's a focus and blankness of your mind for a period of time, for spiritual purposes or even as a method of relaxation (to purposefully lead to sleep).

Can I do meditation in the night and in the afternoon?

wikiHow Contributor

You can meditate at any point in the day. There is no appointed time for meditation.

I have heard that I can lower my heart rate through meditation, is this true?

wikiHow Contributor

Your heart rate lowers when you relax and meditation is essentially focused relaxation. So yes you can lower your heart rate through meditation

What are some methods for helping my mind to stop racing with chatter?

wikiHow Contributor

Imagine yourself in in a white room, with no door or windows, "floating" as you will. Once you imagine yourself in this place, you should find soon that the chatter has gone.

Do I have to sit down to meditate, or can I lay down instead?

wikiHow Contributor

Most people find it more comfortable to sit with a straight back and neck while meditating. You should try both ways to find out what is more comfortable for you, and what helps you concentrate best.

What is the minimum amount of time I should set aside to meditate?

wikiHow Contributor

There is no prescribed minimum time in meditation. It's perfectly okay to start small and ease yourself in with 2-minute or 5-minute meditations as you get used to meditating. Go at your own pace and try not to force yourself to do more than you're comfortable with.

Is this a form of hypnosis? Or is there a similarity?

wikiHow Contributor

It's not a form of hypnosis. They are similar in that they are both very relaxed mental states. Hypnosis is focused more on the subconscious and trying to understand and reprogram deeply embedded, undesirable behaviors. Meditation is more about focusing on the present moment and cultivating a positive state of mind.

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Categories: Featured Articles | Meditation for Beginners

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How to Meditate for Beginners: 15 Steps (with Pictures)

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Written by grays |

September 19th, 2016 at 3:43 pm

Posted in Meditation

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