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Posted: October 19, 2014 at 4:47 pm

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Fr Laurence Freeman OSB, Director of the World Community for Christian Meditation (WCCM), will arrive in Trinidad on October 29 to commence a series of Caribbean-wide presentations.

His visit to Trinidad begins with a public presentation on October 30 titled Meditation: A Way of Peace, at the Movie Towne Conference Centre, Port of Spain. The following day, at the request of Archbishop Joseph Harris, he will host a session with Catholic principals and teachers. Anglican educators have also been invited to participate and the venue is Assumption Church, Maraval. Fr Freeman will also conduct a three-day retreat for local Christian meditators.

During his visit to Trinidad in late 2012, Fr Laurence tells secondary school students: Connect to your Creator - Dec 2 Fr Freeman described meditation to St Joseph Convent students as a gift you cant put a price tag on, explaining that it was about people paying attention to Gods presence in themselves. He said: God is always paying attention to us. The great thing about God is God is never distracted. From Trinidad, Fr Freeman will visit St Lucia (Nov 3) to meet with clergy and religious and hold a public session; and then St Vincent and the Grenadines (Nov 4-5) where he will talk to priests, students and the wider public. His final stop during his Caribbean tour is Barbados (Nov 6-7) where he will address clergy, youth and members of the public, including a range of professionals. WCCM-Caribbean was formally established in November 2013 with the appointment of Sr Ruth Montrichard SJC as regional coordinator for the Caribbean and national coordinator for T&T. Bishop Jason Gordon of Bridgetown, Barbados and Kingstown, St Vincent and the Grenadines, is the patron. The mission of WCCM-Caribbean is to communicate and nurture meditation as passed on through the teaching of John Main in the Christian tradition in the spirit of serving the unity of all.

Sr Ruth and her guiding board members, Michele Jodhan and Judy Joseph Mc Sween, through a collaborative approach and with active support from Caribbean Bishops, have introduced Christian Meditation into schools, parishes and business communities in T&T, St Lucia, St Vincent and Barbados. Later this year, Sr Ruth and her team will respond to invitations received from Dominica, Antigua and the Bahamas to conduct similar introductory sessions.

For further information on the local and Caribbean meditation groups and Fr Freemans upcoming visit, contact Sr Ruth at 678-8436 or McSween at 684-9827.

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Written by simmons |

October 19th, 2014 at 4:47 pm

Posted in Meditation

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