Physically informed machine-learning algorithms for the … –

Posted: April 17, 2023 at 12:13 am

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Optical images used in this study include transition metal dichalcogenide (TMD) flakes on SiO2/Si substrate, TMD flakes on Polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS), and TMD flakes on SiO2/Si and PDMS (if any). The usage of multiple types of substrates models more realistic flake fabrication environments and strengthens algorithm robustness. All these samples were mechanically exfoliated in a 99.999% N2-filled glove box (Fig.1a). The optical images were also acquired in the same environment with no exposure to ambient conditions occurring between fabrication and imaging processes (Fig.1b). The 83 MoSe2 images used throughout this study were taken at the 100 magnification by various members of the Hui Deng group who selected different amounts of light to illuminate the sample (Fig.1c). These images are divided into four smaller symmetric images containing randomized amounts of flake and bulk material which were then manually reclassified (Fig.1d).

MoSe2 flake fabrication and image collection and processing. (a) Mechanical exfoliation of MoSe2 with scotch tape to produce flakes which are then (b) imaged with optical microscopy. (c) A typical optical image of a flake and surrounding bulk material with a masked version of the image below which only displays the flake in white. (d) The four resulting images when the original image in (c) is divided with the masked version below. (e) The resulting 30 images produced through the augmentation methods of padding, rotating, flipping, and color jitter. (f) The image recreated with 20 colors again with the masked version below.

The extremely time-consuming process of locating a flake renders these datasets small, a common occurrence in many domains such as medical sciences and physics. However, deep learning models, such as CNNs, usually contain numerous parameters to learn and require large-scale data to train on to avoid severe overfitting. Data augmentation is a practical solution to this problem24. By generating new samples based on existing data, data augmentation produces training data with boosted diversity and sample sizes, on which better performing deep learning models can be trained (see Supplementary methods).The benefit of applying data augmentation is two-fold. First, it enlarges the data that CNNs are trained on. Second, the randomness induced by the augmentation of the data encourages the CNNs to capture and extract spatially invariant features to make predictions, improving the robustness of the models24. In fact, augmentation is quite common when using CNNs even with large datasets for this reason. Typically, different augmented images are generated on the fly during the model training period, which further helps models to extract robust features. Due to limited computing resources, we generated augmented data prior to fitting any models, expanding the data from 332 to 10,292 images (Fig.1e).

Once augmented, we applied color quantization to all images (Fig.1f). The quantization decreased noise and image colors to a manageable number necessary for extracting the tree-based algorithms features. The color quantization algorithm uses a pixel-wise Vector Quantization to reduce colors within the image to a desired quantity while preserving the original quality16. We employed a K-means clustering to locate the desired number of color cluster centers using a single byte and pixel representation in 3D space. The K-means clustering trains on a small sample of the image and then predicts the color indices for the rest of the image, recreating it with the specified number of colors (see Supplementary methods). We recreated the original MoSe2 images with 5, 20, and 256 colors to examine which resolution produced the most effective and generalizable models. Images were not recreated with less than five colors because the resulting images would consist of only background colors and not show the small flake in the original image. Images recreated with 20 colors appeared almost indistinguishable from the original while still greatly decreasing noise. To mimic an unquantized image, we recreated images with 256 color clusters. We compare the accuracies of the tree-based algorithms and CNNs on datasets of our images recreated with 5 and 20 colors. We also compare the tree-based algorithms' performance on our images recreated with 256 colors to the CNNs on the unquantized images (it is not necessary to perform quantization for CNN classification).

After processing the optical images, we employ tree-based and deep learning algorithms for their classification. Tree-based algorithms are a family of supervised machine learning that perform classification or regression based on the value of the features of the tree-like structure it constructs. A tree consists of an initial root node, decision nodes that indicate if the input image contains a 2D flake or not, and childless leaf nodes (or terminal nodes) where a target variable class or value is assigned25. Decision trees various advantages include the ability to successfully model complex interactions with discreet and continuous attributes, high generalizability, robustness to predictor variable outliers, and an easily interpreted decision-making process26,27. These attributes motivate the coupling of tree-based algorithms and optical microscopy for the accelerated identification of 2D materials. Specifically, we employ decision trees along with ensemble classifiers, such as random forests and gradient boosted decision trees, for improved prediction accuracies and smoother classification boundaries28,29,30.

The features of the single and ensemble trees mimic the physical method of using color contrast for identifying graphene crystallites against a thick background. The flakes are sufficiently thin so that their interference color will differ from an empty wafer, creating a visible optical contrast for identification11. We calculate an analogous color contrast for each input image. The tree-based methods then use this color contrast data to make their decisions and classify images.

This color contrast for the tree-based methods is calculated from the 2D matrix representation of the input images as follows. The 2D matrix representation of the input image is fed to the quantization algorithm which recreates the image with the specified number of colors. We then calculate the color difference, based on RGB color codes, between every combination of color clusters to model optical contrast. These differences are sorted into different color contrast ranges which encompass data extrema. To prevent model overfitting, especially for the ensemble classifiers, only three relevant color contrast ranges were chosen for training and testing the models: the lowest range, a middle range representative of the color contrast between a flake and background material, and the highest range (see Supplementary methods).This list of the number of color differences in each range is what the tree-based methods use for classification.

Once these features are calculated, we employed a k-fold cross-validation grid search to determine the best values for each estimators hyperparameters. The k-fold cross-validationan iterative process that divides the train data into k partitionsuses one partition for validation (testing) and the remaining k1 for training during each iteration31. For each tree-based method, the estimator with the combination of hyperparameters which produces the highest accuracy on the test data was selected (see Supplementary methods). We employed a five-fold cross-validation with a standard 75/25 train/test split. After finetuning the decision trees hyperparameters with k-fold cross-validation, we produced visualizations of the estimator to evaluate the physical nature of its decisions. The gradient boosted decision tree and random forest estimators represent ensembles of decision trees so the overall nature of their decisions can be extrapolated from a visualization of a single decision tree since they all use the same inherently physical features.

Along with the tree-based methods, we also examined deep learning algorithms. Recently, deep neural networks, which learn more flexible latent representations with successive layers of abstraction, have shown great success on a variety of tasks including object recognition32,33. Deep convolutional neural networks take an image as input and output a class label or other types of results depending on the goal of the task. During the feed forward step, a sequence of convolution and pooling operations are applied to the image to extract visuals. The CNN model we employ is a ResNet1834, and we train new networks from scratch by initializing parameters with uniform random variables35 due to the lack of public neural networks pre-trained on similar data. The training of ResNet18 is as follows. We used 75% original images and all their augmented images as the training. This can further be split into training and validation sets when tuning hyper-parameters. We used a small batch size of 4 and run 50 epochs using stochastic gradient descent method with momentum36. We used a learning rate of 0.01 and momentum factor of 0.9. Various efforts work to produce accurate visualizations of the inner layers of CNNs including Grad-CAM which we employed. Grad-CAM does not give a complete visualization of the CNNs as it only uses information from the last convolutional layer of the CNN. However, this last convolutional layer is expected to have the best trade-off between high-level semantics and spatial information rendering Grad-CAMs successful in visualizing what CNNs use for decisions22.

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Physically informed machine-learning algorithms for the ... -

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April 17th, 2023 at 12:13 am

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