YES ‘Book of Revelations’ 21.12 THE KICK – Video

Posted: November 10, 2012 at 3:52 pm

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YES #39;Book of Revelations #39; 21.12 THE KICK
BEEWARE THIS MOVIE CHANGES EVERYTHING !!! STAY AWAKE AND KEEP YOUR EYES OPEN... FOCUS This is THE KICK that will send you flying into the future. Your Ego wont get it, Your Soul does. Focus on what you #39;re feeling and allow yourself to be guided. You #39;ve earned the right of passage. The boat will sail with or without you, your call. GOOD LUCK AND BON VOYAGE NOTE: There #39;s a special Present just for you after the minute 27 but you need to patience and watch the whole video to claim it. ARE YOU READY? Original Work Channeled Music: Triple Mantra for Protection. By Gurunam Singh BUY HERE PAPERBACK: YES #39;Book of Revelations #39; 21.12 Simple guide into the 2012 change of consciousness and expansion of the Self concept. This book represents the first step of transition into Oneness and a Higher idea of our Self as single entity. How can we bring peace into our world? Until we bring peace into our hearts and mind first and this can only be achieved by realising there #39;s Noting to fear. Already exists all we need to create abundance, prosperity, happiness and health for everyone in this world, we only need to work together as One. This is part of the #39;To Bee or not to Bee" concept, that will allow a crossing from the dual individual identity to the united collective consciousness. We are not out names, we are not the history and drama of this lifetime. We are the experience gathered and the impulse to Bee and to express our true essence, as we come to understand that we can ...From:eduardoblancoukViews:37 1ratingsTime:33:34More inFilm Animation

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YES 'Book of Revelations' 21.12 THE KICK - Video

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Written by admin |

November 10th, 2012 at 3:52 pm

Posted in Life Coaching

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