Spiritual Healing Growth Guidance To Create Your Heaven On Earth Life – SACR Excerpt Jan 2013 #1 – Video

Posted: January 23, 2013 at 5:46 pm

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Spiritual Healing Growth Guidance To Create Your Heaven On Earth Life - SACR Excerpt Jan 2013 #1
http://www.AngelaChenShui.com Spiritual healing growth guidance to create your unique Heaven On Earth life - January 2013. This Soul Alignment Challenge Reminder (SACR) Excerpt outlines 3 main flow steps that start then circle until clear actionable answer is attained. How the flow between inner direction seeking creates both inner Guidance and outer life responses that then lead to deeper inner direction seeking and more inner Guidance and outer life responses until the best Soul-level possibility is clearly understood and action producing. The Soul Alignment Challenge Reminder (SACR) is where the principles of Soul alignment and spiritual mastery hit the road of real life to enable real positive results to be achieved. I share my weekly Soul-crunching, dirt bike hitting journey via text love letter or audio or video share. Get your online spiritual retreats Gift membership then look for the SACR link on the right. More Information: Spiritual healing growth guidance to create your unique Heaven On Earth life are discussed via monthly Gift Soul Alignment Calls. The changing levels of consciousness and the current transformation from third to fifth dimensional living are explored. Also the spiritual healing and the evolution of consciousness currently transforming individual and collective life on Earth. Aligning with your Soul is critical to integrating your Divine Source Self into your every day life so you can powerfully create your most fulfilling, highest life purpose ...

By: Angela Chen Shui

More here:
Spiritual Healing Growth Guidance To Create Your Heaven On Earth Life - SACR Excerpt Jan 2013 #1 - Video

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January 23rd, 2013 at 5:46 pm

Posted in Life Coaching

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