Reclaim Your Life Ep 1 – Video

Posted: January 17, 2013 at 12:49 am

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Reclaim Your Life Ep 1 @reclaimyourlife Reclaim! Your Life My name is Pam Rabb, Owner and Operator of Reclaim! Reclaim! is a life, wellness, and career coaching service. So what is coaching? Coaching is still in its early stages, so there are various explanations of coaching out there. But Reclaim! defines it as the fostering of personal or professional discovery, learning, and development by aiding in goal identification and setting, and serving as a motivator and supporter, while offering minimal assistance as you work to enhance yourself by achieving your desired goal. What coaching is not: counseling or therapy. These disciplines look into the past and provide diagnosis; Where coaching helps to focus on a specific goal. In short, as your coach my job is to guide you through the process, be your cheerleader as you work to achieve your goal, and help you find your motivation when the going gets though. Reclaim! helps you focus on your mind, body, and spiritual wellness and career. You might be thinking I can do that on my own. True, but many people do not know how to create effective goals -- that is, goals that get results. In every aspect of life, there are those who excel and those who struggle. The individuals that struggle seek the expertise of those who excel. You can think of me as a contractor here to help you move to the next level -- to be a better you. At Reclaim! We believe you have the tools within you to reclaim (or claim for the first time) the ability to ...

By: Pamela Rabb

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Reclaim Your Life Ep 1 - Video

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January 17th, 2013 at 12:49 am

Posted in Life Coaching

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