Life Lessons: Biggest Mistakes Made Coaching Youth Soccer

Posted: March 24, 2012 at 12:16 am

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We all know that players can make mistakes in soccer. But so can coaches.

Here are 10 of the biggest mistakes youth soccer coaches can make while teaching the game:

10. Lack of Communication

To be a good youth soccer coach, you must be a good communicator. In order to teach your players the game, you need to effectively communicate with them. You also need to communicate your expectations to the parents so they know exactly what is expected of them.

9. Lack of Training

It is easy for any child to start playing soccer. But that doesn't mean it is easy for any person to coach the game. Check your local soccer club for coaching classes and certification programs. Even if you have played the game before, these programs will teach you how to coach the game.

8. Unprepared For Practice

Always be prepared to run your practice. Don't show up without an agenda. You need to run a coordinated session to keep players focused, especially the younger ones.

7. Losing Control

You are not just the coach of your team. You are also responsible for keeping things running smoothly. If players or parents stray from your expectations, let them know immediately. If they continue to detract, make sure you hold them accountable for their actions. Finally, make sure you stay cool. Stay in control of your emotions at all times, and be a model for the behavior that you expect from your players and parents.

Read more here:
Life Lessons: Biggest Mistakes Made Coaching Youth Soccer

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Written by admin |

March 24th, 2012 at 12:16 am

Posted in Life Coaching

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