How to Praise Children Effectively for Trustworthy Relationships – Video

Posted: February 6, 2013 at 8:51 pm

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How to Praise Children Effectively for Trustworthy Relationships
See the Original discussion on the Desteni forum here: Participate in the discussion and add your comments and share your stories of effective or not-so-effective instances of Praise with Children. Have you received insincere Praise as a child and how did you experience/react to that? Please share your stories of the experiences you #39;ve had with the consequence of giving fake Praise, or with the Benefits of giving Praise as actual feedback. Visit the Forum at Equal Money at http See Life Coaching at DIP Lite, a Free online course where you #39;ll learn essential life skills. http Self Perfection Products "A child come into this world and follow instructions --unfortunately the instructors do not instruct what is best for all and thus the child become what they are taught -- unable to be part of one body of life as equals -- thus--it is important to first unconditionally unlearn what has been accepted as reality to be able to recreate self to what is best for reality -- that is how one become one and equal with what is real as only what is best is real -- there will never be leaders or anyone to be followed --only instructions to build inner structure with." - Bernard Poolman The daily self Task to place yourself in writing in a structured way will in time be your proven sanity, trust , honesty and consistency that transcend all ego. All the structure must show is your dedication to what is best for all life and the ...

By: Kelly Posey

See the original post here:
How to Praise Children Effectively for Trustworthy Relationships - Video

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Written by admin |

February 6th, 2013 at 8:51 pm

Posted in Life Coaching

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