Equal Money Capitalism: Capitalism Gets a Make-Over to Make it Work for All – Video

Posted: January 15, 2013 at 1:45 pm

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Equal Money Capitalism: Capitalism Gets a Make-Over to Make it Work for All
Equal Money Capitalism - The Way Forward Equal Money Capitalism will be the necessary transition step to as a global society towards establishing an Equal Money System as presented at equalmoney.org. We are thus here starting a project of investigating what Capitalism should be like according to its very own principles - and thus, what requires to be adjusted within the current Capitalistic system to make it a system that works for everyone. Read more and Follow the progression of Equal Money Capitalism at the Economist #39;s Journey to Life blog economistjourneytolife.blogspot.com Forum http See Life Coaching desteniiprocess.com DIP Lite, a Free online course where you #39;ll learn essential life skills. http Self Perfection Products eqafe.com

By: Kelly Posey

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Equal Money Capitalism: Capitalism Gets a Make-Over to Make it Work for All - Video

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January 15th, 2013 at 1:45 pm

Posted in Life Coaching

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