Auriemma On Coaching Kids These Days

Posted: March 26, 2012 at 1:12 am

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I asked Geno Auriemma on Saturday whether coaching 17-year-old girls was different now then it was 10 years ago, when he was young, perhaps filled with more energy, etc.

I have less patience for these guys now than I did when I was 30-something, Auriemma said. I used to try and see things from their standpoint. Now I am like a lot of old people [he is 58] that dont really give a crap about anybody but themselves.

Have you ever been to a place where I am signing autographs? Well, there will be nine 8-year-olds in line and some 75-year-old will just knock the kids over to get an autograph. Theyll just bulldoze the kids thinking you know what, Im 75 and I dont have much time left and you have the rest of your life so get out of my way.

Im getting to an age where I have less patience. Ive been doing this for 30 years and if I do something, then do it. Dont look at me and ask why. When I was 35, I would say OK and then explain why we want to do [something]. So is there a difference in me? Yes, I guess I just have less patience and they have less of an attention span. That is not a good combination.

Im trying to teach them to have more patience, better concentration for longer periods of time. And theyre testing my patience.

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Auriemma On Coaching Kids These Days

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Written by admin |

March 26th, 2012 at 1:12 am

Posted in Life Coaching

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