A different ball game

Posted: September 8, 2012 at 4:19 am

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SOME athletes have the privilege of living a celebritys life during their careers.

They have a gathering of fans, and sometimes a whole nation, rooting them on as they work hard to earn championship titles and medals.

Athletes spend most of their lives being disciplined and focused on their training and their chosen game. Some enjoy illustrious careers and are accorded a spot in the hall of fame.

But unlike most other jobs, athletes retire much earlier.

After many years of being synonymous with the sports that they play, sportsmen may find it a challenge to make a transition to a life outside the court or field.

While some move on to coaching, others take on new ventures and build businesses.

Turning to a childhood hobby

It is not common to associate an athletic figure with a dainty interest such as flowers. But veteran shuttler Wong Choong Hann always had a love for flowers before badminton took centre stage in his life.

Yes, it is quite unexpected. But badminton is not all that rough, Wong laughingly counters.

Wong spent much of his younger days in the garden before he started his training in badminton.

A different ball game

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Written by admin |

September 8th, 2012 at 4:19 am

Posted in Life Coaching

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