Waxahachie High School Announcements 1-10-13 – Video

Posted: January 11, 2013 at 1:49 am

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Waxahachie High School Announcements 1-10-13
Thursday, January 10, 2013 UIL POETRY AND PROSE There will be a Meeting Friday morning at 8:15 in room 146 for anyone interested in being a part of the UIL Poetry and Prose Team. If you like to express yourself through interpretive reading, this is the team for you. If you have questions or can #39;t make the meeting, please stop by and see Mrs. Louque. GIRLS TRACK Any girl interested in participating in track will need to attend a short meeting Tuesday, January 15th after school in the front foyer of Solis gym. If you have any questions, see Coach Scott at the Ninth Grade campus. HEALTH AND FITNESS Start 2013 by joining the Real Girls of Finley Jr. High and instructor Elizabeth Winn for a night of instruction on clean eating and an entire hour of Zumba from one of the best instructors around! Receive free food samples and a free Zumba class to begin your journey to a healthier lifestyle! Be there on Friday, January 11, 2013 from 6:00 to 7:30 PM at Finley Jr. High Cafeteria 2401 Brown St. DETENTION HALL D-Hall will be today at 3:45 in the cafeteria or tomorrow morning at 7:30 in room 171. Be on time and remember to sign in. Next week the ISS assignments for overdue detentions will resume. Please use this opportunity to take of care of any detentions you may have.

By: WHSMultimedia

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Waxahachie High School Announcements 1-10-13 - Video

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Written by admin |

January 11th, 2013 at 1:49 am

Posted in Health and Fitness

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