Urban Ninja Project (formerly Ninja Warrior Games) – Video

Posted: December 5, 2012 at 11:49 am

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Urban Ninja Project (formerly Ninja Warrior Games)
We are a non-profit community organization focused on organizing 2-day events, that aim to encourage people of all ages and sizes to move, play, and challenge themselves by providing a fun, safe, yet competitive environment through obstacle courses and movement skill workshops taught by professional trainers. Participants also have the opportunity to compete for prizes, learn about and enjoy a variety of great health and fitness products from our vendors, and share great moments with friends and family. In a time when school districts are cutting physical education and arts programs while more and more kids are lured towards the latest technologies, TV shows, and video games, our communities are left to deal with a growing epidemic of preventable diseases caused by our sedentary lifestyles, poor nutrition and the ever-increasing sources of stress. Our mission is to change that through our events. .- Follow us on Facebook for the latest news, event schedules, and locations - http://www.facebook.com/UrbanNinjaProject - Check out our website to register, volunteer, host, donate, and sponsor our events - http://www.UrbanNinjaProject.com Disclaimer: Urban Ninja Project does not own rights to the song used here, only the pictures. The song is Bliss by the artist, Muse. No copyright infringement intended.From:theUrbanNinjaProjectViews:4 0ratingsTime:01:29More inSports

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Urban Ninja Project (formerly Ninja Warrior Games) - Video

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Written by admin |

December 5th, 2012 at 11:49 am

Posted in Health and Fitness

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