The Best For You by BUSHYHEAD – Video

Posted: February 7, 2013 at 11:46 pm

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The Best For You by BUSHYHEAD
The Best For You by BUSHYHEAD Any song that I hear reminds me of you What we had and what we lost Where the journey ended In the darkness I crawl to find my feet to run away Only to fall face-down thinking of us again I pray you find someone better than me I hope he #39;s everything for you that I couldn #39;t be I wish only for the best for you The best for you The days grow long like abandoned vines Slowly choke off memories you left behind I still can see your face before my world changed I #39;m moving on, growing strong, never needing you again I pray I #39;ll find someone who don #39;t remind me of you I hope she #39;s everything to me I couldn #39;t see in you I pray we #39;ll find the peace we didn #39;t stumble on as two I hope for nothing more than to forget you But I still wish the best for you The best for you (c) Bushyhead Music, Copyright 2013 All Rights Reserved. Words and music by A.Vincent DiMaggio Jr. * The music to this has been a work in process over the last few months, shortly after writing "Heavy". Some of the chords I use I don #39;t know the names for and the lyrics were started and finished today (about an hour ago). * * This piece of music is going to cause some concern over who it is for. So, here is the skinny on the music...from Vinnie. I found out today that I am a serial dater. True terminology, I looked it up once I heard it and the definition fits when it accurately describes excessive dating and quick commitments due to fear of loss. Since my recent separation and divorce, I ...

By: Vince DiMaggio

Originally posted here:
The Best For You by BUSHYHEAD - Video

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Written by admin |

February 7th, 2013 at 11:46 pm

Posted in Health and Fitness

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