Sitting in Column: Health and Wellness Day at Swampscott Farmers Market

Posted: September 4, 2012 at 11:14 pm

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Submitted by Kimberley Fillenworth of the Swampscott Farmers Market Committee

Last Sunday once again the weather was perfect, cool and crisp as September is now upon us and with that comes fall in New England. We had a light turnoutlast weekendwith our vendors due to several family events withClark Farm and Cherry Street Fish Market,but rest assured we will be at full capacity this week, Sept. 9.

Also this week, The Lynch van Otterloo YMCA will join us to promote theirHometown Wellness Showdown. The Showdown is a 4-week total wellness challenge to crown the healthiest town in Eastern Massachusetts, sponsored by and Lose It! a diet and fitness tracking application.

Being healthy and eating fresh, local produce, go hand in hand, so please come out and join in the fun. Emily OBrien, the Marketing & Communications Director of the YMCA of the North Shore will be with us passing out some fun giveaways and hosting some mini-challenges, like one-minute pushups or jumping jack challenges as well as other fun mini events kids are sure to enjoy!

Mark your calendars for our Farmers Market Style Throw Down/Cook Off coming Sunday, Sept. 16. Live and in person, come watch three of our local chefs as they show you the best of their talents and creativity. Each of our chefs will be given 15 minutes and $35 dollars of spending money to procure ingredients from our vendors at Swampscott Farmers' Market. Then its off to cooking stations where theyll have one hour to prepare a dish of their choice. The final decision will be based on Creativity, presentation and of course, taste.

The Swampscott Farmers Market is open each Sunday, 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. in the Swampscott High School parking lot. Also, check our Facebook Page. We post regular market updates and market information, recipe ideas, etc. Its a great interactive way to connect with our local growers and food enthusiasts!

You can follow us on Facebook at ttps:// visit our website at

See the rest here:
Sitting in Column: Health and Wellness Day at Swampscott Farmers Market

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Written by admin |

September 4th, 2012 at 11:14 pm

Posted in Health and Fitness

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