PALEO HEALTH SUMMIT 2012. Durianrider gives his wrap up take home message. – Video

Posted: March 8, 2012 at 10:41 pm

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07-03-2012 19:33 PALEO HEALTH SUMMIT 2012. Durianrider gives his wrap up take home message. So I tuned into Underground wellness founder Sean Croxton paleo health summit 2012 and found it amusing how they were writing off a vegan /vegetarian diet and saying it makes people fat but then going on about how all the vegan high carb promoters are very trim and its due to high levels of fitness. Well what about Colin Campbell and co? I dont see them running marathons. Paleo diet, primal diet, low carb diet. All the gurus sell you lots of protein powders, fish oil supplements, b12 supplements, zinc supplements etc and tell you that a vegan diet is 'deficient' yet they forget that they make most of their income selling supplements! In this video on the paleo health summit I share my comments and critiques as a professional working in the health and fitness industry for over a decade now. I see all the fad gimmicks come and go and the paleo primal low carb fad diet is the latest craze. Nothing personal against sean croxton, mark sisson, robb wolf, sally fallon, loren cordain etc. Just sharing my experiences of how dangerous the low carb primal paleo bacon and eggs for breakfast diet really is. Raw food diet vegan high carb low fat style based on fruit keeps you slim naturally. How to get a flat stomach, how to lose weight with raw to start a raw food diet? all these questions and more answered by Durianrider & Freelee on our channels. Thanks for watching! 🙂 Durianrider on Facebook www ...

PALEO HEALTH SUMMIT 2012. Durianrider gives his wrap up take home message. - Video

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Written by admin |

March 8th, 2012 at 10:41 pm

Posted in Health and Fitness

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