NECK – Neck Stretch (Upward Press) – Video

Posted: February 20, 2013 at 6:52 am

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NECK - Neck Stretch (Upward Press)
The muscles on the front of your neck flex, or bend, your neck as when you bring your chin to your chest. You can perform isometric exercises for the neck flexors by press your chin upward. Begin this neck exercise sitting or standing tall with your back and neck straight. Look forward and place your palms under your chin. Push your head upwards with your hands, but resist the force with your neck muscles so that your head does not actually move. Hold it for few seconds, relax, come to the starting position and repeat. This is stresses the neck muscles isometrically. While you might experience some muscle fatigue during these exercises, they should not cause any pain in your neck. If you experience pain, stop performing the exercises and consult a health care professional. These exercises are used in the treatment of neck pain and some types of neck injuries; however, if you have suffered a neck injury, do not perform these exercises unless recommended by your health care professional. Keep training. Dr Saranjeet Singh (Sports Medicine Specialist)

By: Saranjeet Singh

See the original post here:
NECK - Neck Stretch (Upward Press) - Video

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Written by admin |

February 20th, 2013 at 6:52 am

Posted in Health and Fitness

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