Looking and Feeling Better Is the Top Priority of Today’s Fitness Consumers, Survey Says – Club Industry

Posted: November 22, 2019 at 4:51 am

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Precision Nutrition's 2020 Nutrition, Fitness, and Health Trends & Insight survey assessed the lifestyle habits and health-related goals of more than 5,000 fitness consumers. These insights can ultimately help health club operators better understand their own members.

Today's fitness consumers are less interested in achieving specific strength or cardio gains and more driven by hopes of feeling good, looking good and maintaining healthy lifestyle habits, according to a recent survey published by Precision Nutrition, Toronto, Canada.

The survey, 2020 Nutrition, Fitness, and Health Trends & Insights,aggregates dataoriginally provided by more than 15,000of thenutritioncompany'sclients since 2014. Consumers' lifestyle habits and health-related goals were assessed across a series of questions whose insightscan help club operators better understand their own members.

For the survey, adult men and women were askedto rank their health and fitness priorities on a scale of one to 10,with 10 being assigned to the highest priorities. This gallery summarizes the respondents' top priorities (by average).

To view the full survey, click here.

Earlier this year, a similar report by MINDBODY also surveyed the motivations of fitness consumers. A summary of that survey can be viewed here.

Read more from the original source:
Looking and Feeling Better Is the Top Priority of Today's Fitness Consumers, Survey Says - Club Industry

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Written by admin |

November 22nd, 2019 at 4:51 am

Posted in Health and Fitness

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