June-Marie Raw Food and Fitness Health Fashion fun 023 – Video

Posted: September 9, 2012 at 4:23 am

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07-09-2012 10:04 Please click on my fan page link 🙂 Hello ! how are you? I am on here to try to help everyone eat better and exercise If you need any help with that email me or call 1 (607) 483-8445 please do notforget to eat raw organic fruit (focusing on the fruit) vegetables (especially dark leafy greens) nuts and seeds and exercise two hours or two miles (walking) a day everyday huge hugs remember you are loved huge hugs dedicating all my videos to my mom who passed on to Heaven April 24, 2012 She will be enormously missed. my heart is happy my soul is free my love for you still stands strong freedom is the answer from far beyond time will change people will see that the answer is nature and natural and that life is to be clean to be happier molding one person at a time will make a happier place for us all. no one has all the answers but the key is to try and be what you were meant to be in the first place stand for what you believe in and go after it full circle love binds us and entwines us as one.... Happiness can be achieved if you follow your chosen dream love JuneMarie P. Liddy

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June-Marie Raw Food and Fitness Health Fashion fun 023 - Video

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Written by admin |

September 9th, 2012 at 4:23 am

Posted in Health and Fitness

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