Health and Fitness: Breakthrough Research On New Focus & Brain Health Nutrient

Posted: July 1, 2012 at 9:16 am

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Attention anyone seeking greater cognitive health and function: Researchers from The Brain Institute and Harvard University reported, for the first time, positive effects on focus and attention in healthy adult women with nutrient Cognizin Citicoline. Companies like GungHo are reaping the benefits.

Researchers from the Brain Institute of the University of Utah and Harvard University have reported for the first time positive effects from the consumption of a proprietary branded citicoline nutrient named Cognizin on attentional performance in healthy adult women. Published in the June issue of the journal Food and Nutrition Sciences, the results of their investigation showed that healthy subjects consuming a 250mg capsule of Cognizin citicoline per day performed significantly better than those consuming a placebo capsule on a measure of attentional performance, committing significantly fewer errors of commission and omission on this task.

This groundbreaking research is of vital interest since several previous papers reporting positive cognitive effects of citicoline focused on its ability to improve performance and cellular metabolism in animals and humans with cognitive defects (e.g., stroke victims). Now, that work has been extended to healthy humans.

Adults of all ages could benefit markedly from the consumption of the vital nutrient. Apparently, Cognizin citicoline exerts its positive effects on focus, attention and memory by being rapidly absorbed, converted to choline and uridine (both psychoactive substances), entering systemic circulation and being finally utilized in many biosynthetic pathways, especially in the brain where it is further converted into CDP-choline, a major building block for dopamine, a molecule of major importance in the maintenance of cognitive health and performance.

Does Cognizin work? GoGungHo Inc (makers of a focus/energy gel shot), believe it does. They made an agreement for the exclusive rights to distribute Cognizin, at the proven effective dose of 250mg, within the energy/focus shots and drink category. And GungHo is going GungHo. They recently broke launch records with the social media release of their product; University students, gamers and women, love the "smooth focus" said Mason, co-founder. "We asked students what they wanted in an energy drink and they told us they actually wanted focus. Focus to game, study or work without the typical distracting buzz, jitters and crash. They also wanted the convenience of a gel shot with no sugar and all-natural ingredients." GungHo has a patent-pending on their focus gel shot. "We combined the long-term impact on focus and memory provided by the Cognizin with the immediate alertness of caffeine - far less than used in typical energy shots - and the smoothness of ashwaganda. Hence folks can get the energy and focus they want without the harsh jitters or crash." Said Dr Dan Mowry.

Dr Renshaw, Director at The Brain Institute and former professor of Psychiatry at Harvard - one of the primary researchers on Cognizin Citicoline - peer reviewed GungHo' formula and stated:

"GungHo is the ONLY energy shot or drink that contains natural ingredients at proven effective doses to improve focus and concentration. Unlike other energy products that deal with short-term energy and no lasting impact on brain energy, GungHo will actually increase levels of critical neurotransmitters in the brain over time."

Will GungHo be the first of many products to benefit from focusing on Cognizin Citicoline? We shall see.

Read the original here:
Health and Fitness: Breakthrough Research On New Focus & Brain Health Nutrient

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Written by admin |

July 1st, 2012 at 9:16 am

Posted in Health and Fitness

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