EYE ON HEALTH: New fitness cycling trend in Chattanooga

Posted: August 10, 2012 at 1:13 pm

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CHATTANOOGA, TN (WRCB) -- As the fight against obesity continues, a new fitness studio on the North Shore hopes a high energy environment will get people not only moving, but motivated to make some positive changes.

The latest trend when it comes to indoor cycling? "It is like a dance club, and you get to exercise in the music, escape in the lights, escape in an entire experience instead of just a workout," says Kyle Miller.

Miller takes the new cycling class at Thrive Studio on the North Shore.

"I think that we hear and know what we need to do, but it's hard to get motivated," explained Kim Gavin.

Kim is hoping this new high energy environment with lights and sounds will not only get people motivated, but moving. Moving from side to side on the Real Ryder bikes that are supposed to burn more calories and offer the closest thing to being on a real bike.

But in addition to fitness, Kim says it's important to also focus on the nutritional component of your life... but you can't have one without the other and be healthy.

"People understand you need to exercise, so you exercise, but what you put into your body is equally important and how much of it," Gavin said.

From super-sized meals to extra large portions, it all adds up to a growing health crisis: more obese people.

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EYE ON HEALTH: New fitness cycling trend in Chattanooga

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Written by admin |

August 10th, 2012 at 1:13 pm

Posted in Health and Fitness

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