Barbara Swiatkiwsky Bowen – Relaxation Massage – Video

Posted: February 9, 2013 at 12:53 am

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Barbara Swiatkiwsky Bowen - Relaxation Massage
Although I use Bowen Therapy as my primary remedial technique, I am also a qualified massage therapist. I wanted to make a short video of myself in action so you can see the type of massage you could expect. I provide a Swedish style deep tissue relaxation massage, which is very flowing and relaxing but addresses areas of tension (especially neck and shoulders). Although the massage will be tailored to suit your needs, I usually like to use my elbow to get in deep, especially around the shoulder blades where many people have "crunchy" bits. Massage provides a wonderful way to relax and to maintain your health and fitness. However if you are hoping to make some real lasting changes, I recommend a series of Bowen therapy treatments. I hope that once you #39;ve seen me in action, you will give me a call to discuss whether Bowen or massage would best fit your needs. And just as a reminder, we are a GLBTIQ friendly practice.

By: Barbara Swiatkiwsky

See the original post here:
Barbara Swiatkiwsky Bowen - Relaxation Massage - Video

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Written by admin |

February 9th, 2013 at 12:53 am

Posted in Health and Fitness

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