Yoga's hot

Posted: February 6, 2013 at 8:46 pm

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Yoga's hot

As people seek balance, stretching studios see an increase in attendance.

By Johanna Love, Jackson Hole, Wyo.

February 6, 2013

From the first bellows breath asana in hot yoga class, a tall fellow in front of me with an infinity tattoo already had sweat dripping off his elbows.

It took my body a few more minutes to get with the program in a recent 12:15 p.m. class at Inversion Yoga. By the fourth of 26 asanas, Eagle Pose, sweat began to trickle and tickle its way down my chest.

By the ninth asana, Triangle Pose, the faint smell of body odors more primal than unpleasant hit my nose. Sweaty guy was the first to capitulate to the 105-degree heat and 50 percent humidity, surrendering to Childs Pose to recover.

Holy crap, whispered the woman next to me.

I hadnt sweated this much since I left Mississippi 16 years ago.

Heat is a huge addition to anybodys practice, instructor Ariel Mann said after the class. These poses are designed for beginners. Its when you combine it with the heat it becomes challenging.

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Yoga's hot

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Written by simmons |

February 6th, 2013 at 8:46 pm

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