Yoga retreat promises a healthier you

Posted: March 21, 2013 at 6:44 am

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"I'm so hungry. Dinner very small. At least we get dessert soon. Waiting anxiously," I discreetly text my partner from the dining table.

I'm taking part in a weekend yoga retreat at Peppers Salt Resort and Spa at Kingscliff in northern NSW.

It all starts with a Friday afternoon one-hour yoga session followed immediately by dinner.

Yoga instructor and retreat organiser Kris McIntyre candidly tells us we won't be stoked by dinner.

With no time to change, us yoga retreat participants stand out like sore thumbs compared to other diners in the restaurant.

And instead of a juicy steak and fancy meals that the resort's restaurant offer, we are served small helpings of vegetarian food.

The trick is to fill up in the morning - we're allowed to eat like kings for breakfast, noblemen for lunch and paupers for dinner - as the saying goes.

The first night surprises me. Dinner is a palm-sized pumpkin and rocket salad dish.

This is when I develop the art of slow and deliberate eating, apparently good for the digestion but for me a way to make it last longer.

On our second night, Kris tells us she is feeding us something she calls medicine - an adzuki bean dish.

See the article here:
Yoga retreat promises a healthier you

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Written by simmons |

March 21st, 2013 at 6:44 am

Posted in Financial

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