Yoga, on the hot side

Posted: February 18, 2013 at 5:44 pm

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Maritza Johnson opened a studio for Bikram yoga, which is done in high heat, almost two years ago. Here she is demonstrating a pose. Jake Kara photo

It may be chilly outside, but its always cozy, to say the least, at Bikram Yoga Ridgefield, where the temperature is a constant 105 degrees with 40% humidity.

Your muscles become more supple and de-stress, said owner Maritza Johnson. The hot air is meant to warm you up from the inside when you breathe it in, she said.

Ms. Johnson started the shop in the Paris Nails building at the north end of Main Street about two years ago, and she comes from a more conventional workout background.

We used to live in Overland Park, Kansas, she said. I used to go to the gym, do machines, weights.

When she and her family moved here about 12 years ago, she took to running. I ran all over town.

She tried a few yoga classes in the area, but I didnt feel welcome, she said. I didnt think I was fancy enough.

Then a yoga classmate recommended Bikram, a form of yoga done in high heat, with the same 26 poses repeated in the same order every time.

The only thing that will be different is you and the person who is instructing you, Ms. Johnson.

She was hooked. She credits it with helping handle in stride the stress of having teenage daughters. They would say, Mom, youre doing that yoga thing again, arent you?

See more here:
Yoga, on the hot side

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Written by simmons |

February 18th, 2013 at 5:44 pm

Posted in Financial

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