Yoga instructor at Cheval vows to help golfers

Posted: February 27, 2013 at 2:47 am

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By JEFF BERLINICKE | Special correspondent Published: February 26, 2013 Updated: February 26, 2013 - 12:22 PM

Beth Bentley walked into a Barnes & Noble, immediately ordered a large coffee, and talked. And talked. And talked.

The last thing Bentley needed was coffee, because she is one of the most energetic, vibrant, outgoing people on the planet, a boundless stream of energy with a great sense of humor.

Bentley is passionate about yoga, starting Bentley Yoga Golf to help golfers with their stretching, mindset and confidence. For while Bentley is licensed to teach yoga and teaches several different types, she also is passionate about her new golf undertaking.

After picking up that coffee and noticing that no tables were available, it was off to the back of the bookstore, where she took off her shoes and started demonstrating yoga.

"If you can't tell, I live for yoga,'' said Bentley who has twin 8-year-old daughters,Holland and Jolie, both of whom have been doing yoga since their earliest memories. Teaching toddlers is just another of Bentley's yoga interests. "I was into this since I first discovered yoga. Look at all this energy it gives me. I am always ready to go.''

Bentley had been working in pharmaceutical sales and said she was always stressed. She decided it was time to recover from all of that stress and started to take yoga seriously. Golf, actually, was just hobby, one where she was happy to make contact with the ball. It wasn't until she took a golf lesson that she realized how similar here two interests really were.

"I started to visualize the swing (and) it all started to make sense,'' Bentley said, of the dynamics involved in your average golf swing. "I kind of walked away from golf after I had the twins, but it all started to make sense, mixing yoga and golf. My whole life started to open it up so I wanted to think of ways to apply it to golf. You don't hear much about yoga and golf in the same sentence.''

In truth, many professionals practice yoga and many of the big-name players have personal instructors who travel the world as part of the entourage, but the practice isn't common amongst your average Sunday golfers. Bentley practically guarantees that she can help take some strokes off.

"Think of the golf swing and how much extension you need to bring the club back as far as you need to,'' Bentley said. She demonstrated two exercises, the first that most regular golfers do before a round, then showed off a yoga technique that brought the invisible backswing back much farther.

Go here to read the rest:
Yoga instructor at Cheval vows to help golfers

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Written by simmons |

February 27th, 2013 at 2:47 am

Posted in Financial

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