Yoga For Arthritis

Posted: November 10, 2012 at 6:47 pm

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It has been well documented that Yoga has many health benefits with many doctors now advising patients to seek out classes. Arthritis can be a crippling and painful condition, though through Yoga practises and a change in diet you may be able to assist recovery without a lifetime of toxic drugs.

Finding a Yoga teacher should be relatively simple as Yoga is very popular, with many teachers providing classes for elderly students who want to increase their flexibility. Some are specialising in health specific classes purely to help ease pain and promote healthier joints. The Asanas they teach will be gentle and easy for all to practise.

No matter your age, since arthritis affects both young and old, taking up a Yoga practise will assist your recovery. There are several Yoga Asanas that are recommended for pain relief and improved joint function. Mostly the hands, neck and shoulders are affected by this condition, so I offer some poses to practise.

Sukhasana (easy pose) Although this may not seem particularly easy at first, the benefits of sitting in Sukhasana are profound. To practise Sukhasana Sit on the floor with your legs crossed and slow down your breathing. Sit as relaxed as possible and breath deep into your abdomen. This helps to strengthen the spine, still the mind and increase your metabolism.

It is highly beneficial for you, if you are able, to hold this posture for some time. It can be uncomfortable to begin with, however with perseverance you will start to notice positive results , plus your body will start to yield to the position.

Whilst sitting in Sukhasana, try doing hand clenches . Clench the hand into a fist and then release the clench by releasing the fingers quite forcefully. Do this for approximately 10 rounds. If you feel that is too much then stop when it is indicated to you by your body. Always listen to your body and never do anything that aggravates pain.

Wrist rotations are also very beneficial to joint function. Rotate the wrists slowly in a circular motion to the left for a few rotations then to the right. When completed , bend your hands up and down from the wrist a few time. Always be aware of your breath and never try to rush your Yoga practise.

Neck stretches, foot rotations and ankle bending are all recommended for arthritic joints. They have the effect of strengthening, promoting healthy joint function and reducing stiffness . Many people have found by reducing acidic foods from the diet they experienced improvements relatively quickly.

It is important to perform all Asanas slowly, with a focused and calm mind. As you progress on the Yoga journey you will soon experience the freedom of stress, peace of mind and a stronger more flexible body. Yoga promotes well being through its slow and steady application.

Depending on your age, abilities and any health condition you are experiencing, it is advisable to consult your doctor before undertaking any physical exercise.

Excerpt from:
Yoga For Arthritis

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Written by simmons |

November 10th, 2012 at 6:47 pm

Posted in Financial

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