Yoga Brasil Teacher Training Course (Cursos de Formação de Professores) Offered by Sivananda Yoga International …

Posted: September 27, 2013 at 1:44 am

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Garopaba, Brasil (PRWEB) September 24, 2013

The Sivananda Yoga Centers announced its international Teacher's Training Course in Brasil starting January 5th, 2014. The Yoga teacher training course was designed by the renowned Swami Vishnu-devananda. It is an intensive immersion in Yoga, balanced between theory and practice. Students come from different backgrounds and cultures and live harmoniously together in a spiritual community under the guidance of teachers. Since 1969, over 30,000 yoga teachers have been trained through the Sivananda Yoga Vedanta Centers' TTC program (see yoga teacher training).

The daily in-depth practice with individual corrections comprises: Sun salutation 12 basic yoga postures 100 asana variations, from intermediate level to advanced Postural alignment Deep relaxation with autosuggestion Release of blocked energy Training sessions for all age groups

Kanti Devi is the main teacher for the program. She is a gifted speaker and teacher of yoga and meditation. She personally instructs and coaches resident students while at the Yoga centers. She has been the main teacher of the Yoga Teacher Training Course for many years.

For more information, please visit and (entrenamiento de Yoga Brasil).

"Swami Sivananda of Rishikesh taught Yoga-Vedanta, which came to the West through his many disciples like Satchidananda, Vishnudevananda, Ventakeshananda and Jyotirmayananda. The Sivananda Yoga-Vedanta centers founded by Swami Vishnudevananda teach regular programs on Yoga-Vedanta and with references to Ayurveda as well. I have done many programs with this organization and find it to be the best Yoga training group in the west." -Dr. David Frawley (medicina Ayurveda).

Yoga Brasil Teacher Training Course (Cursos de Formação de Professores) Offered by Sivananda Yoga International ...

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Written by simmons |

September 27th, 2013 at 1:44 am

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