Yoga and resonance

Posted: August 21, 2013 at 3:46 am

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According to yoga wisdom, everything is resonance

The links that meet and sustain the elements of the Universe (things, beings, processes, created phenomena) have as basis the resonance phenomenon.

Due to the resemblance between them, phenomena, objects or subtle energies harmonize, simultaneously vibrate, mutually and selectively evoking each other, by remote action, just like in the case of attuning two emission-reception stations on the same vibrating frequency. In such a case, it is well known that resonance takes place only when the frequency is adjacent or it synchronizes with one of the two frequencies (called own) the resonant system is capable of oscillating.

A transfer of energy from the stimulating system to the resonating one takes also place during resonance. When the resonance condition is reached, the amplitude of the oscillations increases a lot, presenting a certain maximum; it could become infinite if energy leaks due to rubbing factors did not exist. Being a selective phenomenon, resonance offers the possibility to distinguish less perceptible oscillations by other procedures, or to canalize a transfer of energy on a certain frequency in order to trigger a certain phenomenon, like an energy transaction or other kind, for instance.

Interpreting yogis performances in the light of the law of the resonance In assiduously engaged yoga practice, the outstanding multitude of the resonance processes can be indescribably and spontaneously brought into awareness. These processes can be assimilated together with all vibration energy generated phenomena. Sometimes, this vibration energy is extremely subtle and delicate; it works on human being structures different levels. On the other hand, there are real systems or gigantic focal centers of energy in universe or Macrocosmos that vibrate with a similar frequency of the specific energy points in the human beings inner universe; under such circumstances, the respective energy spots act like genuine resonators because they are capable of simultaneously vibrating, due to resonance, when they are stimulated or excited by same frequency vibrations as their own frequency.

In yoga practice, resonance is perceived as an initiating and amplifying process of certain vibrations, awarenessly felt, brought under the action of vibrating energies that come from certain levels of manifestation of the universe. If the yogi maintains his attention focused, in order to notice as accurately as possible the unison of his own energy spot with the corresponding macrocosmic one, the resonance has big chances to appear, stimulating full of original revelation amazing spiritual experiences.

The continuity of the resonance in the yogis inner universe will be maintained only by sustained concentration. The amplitude of the energy vibrations induced and felt by the yogi, then, genuine waves of carrying harmony, meaning and information, is maximum in the case these frequencies are equal, striving for infinite if the resonance triggers are maintained constant. The attention always focused on the respective phenomenon is essential here.

Knowledge is possible due to resonance

Yoga practice allowed determining that a constant energy and information transfer from its system or from universe (Macrocosmos)s stimulating spot to the beings inner universes specific correspondent during resonance. From the moment inner resonance is triggered, a state corresponding the related energy appears in the human being; practically, this is the mystery of inner re-living beautiful states previously felt; they can be "recomposed by simply mental vibration tuning to the wanted state from the past, fact that generates resonance. By a simple extrapolation we discover that science or knowledge of any aspect or phenomenon, thing or being from the universe, ultimately resumes to such resonance processes only, by mutual tuning between connoisseurs consciousness and the being or the object of knowledge.

Resonances esoterical meanings

See more here:
Yoga and resonance

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Written by simmons |

August 21st, 2013 at 3:46 am

Posted in Financial

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