Yoga and Christianity: More Than What Meets the Eye

Posted: November 30, 2012 at 6:46 am

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By Father John Flynn, LC

ROME, NOV. 30, 2012 ( The popularity of yoga and various forms of Eastern philosophies and meditation methods has grown enormously in recent years. Questions remain, however, as to what extent they are compatible with Christianity.

The latest contribution to the debate over this topic is a book just published by an Australian De La Salle brother, Max Sculley, titled "Yoga, Tai Chi, Reiki: A Guide for Christians" (Connor Court Publishing).

These techniques are widely recommended as being good for fitness and relaxation, and few would at first see anything dangerous about them, Bishop Julian Porteous, one of Sydney's auxiliary bishops, commented in his foreword to the book.

However, he warned, "The world into which the practitioner is introduced is inimical to the Christian faith."

While some of the practices they promote may be helpful at a superficial level they are, Bishop Porteous adverted, "a Trojan horse for dangerous spiritual infiltration."

Brother Sculley explained that one of the main problems lies in the promotion of altered states of conscience. This, he noted, is a practice designed to lead people to experience a sense of oneness with the cosmos and the divine and to enable feelings of bliss. It brings with it, however, dangers ranging from mental illness to demonic influence.

Many Christians who practice yoga, tai chi and similar techniques do so without any desire to embrace the underlying philosophy or spiritual beliefs, yet, he commented, the mind-altering techniques in themselves bring with them serious spiritual risks.

In the section on yoga he explained that it is inextricably linked to the religious beliefs of Hinduism, which is in contradiction with Christianity on many fundamental points.


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Yoga and Christianity: More Than What Meets the Eye

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Written by simmons |

November 30th, 2012 at 6:46 am

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