Workout of the week: Baptiste Power Hour Lunch Yoga

Posted: February 5, 2013 at 1:47 pm

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Radiance Power Yoga, 2704 28th St., Boulder, 303-475-2796,

Instructor: Marsha Austin Rodwin, owner, is certified in Baptiste Power Vinyasa Yoga. Rodwin, of Boulder, has trained directly with yoga big-name Baron Baptiste since 2008.

What is the workout? A one-hour class Baptiste Power Vinyasa yoga class done in a heated room (about 95 to 100 degrees). Although they call it hot power yoga, it is not Bikram yoga, which follows 26 specific postures in sequence.

This class is a combination of flow (Vinyasa-style yoga, where you often move one movement to one breath); incorporated with longer holds (five breaths

Amy Harris stretches during Baptiste Power Hour Lunch Yoga at Radiance Power Yoga in Boulder. ( Mark Leffingwell )

What's different? This class has no music, no mirrors and the teacher does not do the yoga with you, except to demonstrate certain moves, as needed. This changes the experience dramatically, moving the students more inward; it pushes your brain out of the experience. You can't compare yourself to the teacher or overthink your alignment. Because the teacher walks through the class constantly, she uses her hands to guide your body into place, instead of asking you to look in the mirror.

Also, Baptiste Yoga uses clear, everyday language ("chair pose," "tree pose"), with minimal Sanskrit words, in an attempt to make it more accessible to a wider range of people -- and keep you out of your brain, again.

"It's to have students get out of their head and not be in concepts while practicing," Rodwin says. "It's all about generating the experience for the student that perhaps you hear spiritual teachers talk of as 'enlightenment,' or being not hooked by the mind. It's really just a simple experience of being fully present."

In that, the class is not designed to be fancy, showy or entertaining.

Teachers are also trained to identify how what you're doing on your mat may be showing up in your life, Rodwin says.

See original here:
Workout of the week: Baptiste Power Hour Lunch Yoga

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Written by simmons |

February 5th, 2013 at 1:47 pm

Posted in Financial

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