Workout: Master Core Series at Hot Method Yoga

Posted: July 24, 2013 at 7:43 pm

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Hot Method Yoga, 340 Lashley St., Longmont, 303-678-9642,

Instructor: Kevin Lincicome, of Boulder, started doing Bikram yoga in 2000 and was certified as a teacher in 2003. He attended Tony Sanchez's teacher training last April.

He opened a studio in Westminster in 1995 and in Longmont four years ago, under the name Bikram's Yoga College of India. About a month ago, they changed the name to Hot Method Yoga and changed the direction a little, too, by breaking away a bit from the Bikram name and exclusive Bikram style of yoga.

The Master Core Series is a new class, as of May.

What is the workout? The Master Core Series is a hot yoga class developed by well-known yoga teacher Tony Sanchez, of the Ghosh lineage. The class includes about 40 different postures in a specific order, chosen from the 84 original Ghosh postures.

What's different: The better-known style of Bikram yoga was created by one of Ghosh's students. This class has a stronger emphasis on maintaining the purity of the original lineage than Bikram.

"Bikram has gotten so averted off of the original," Lincicome says. "He's done a brilliant job of packaging it for everyone, one size fits all."

Unlike Bikram, the teachers in this class do not correct your postures.

"Your stance is your stance, my stance is my stance, and they don't have to be the same," Linicome says. In that, these classes are less rigid and more individual, working you from the inside out.

"Once you get out of the box and you see what a beautiful world of yoga there is out there when you're not constricted -- Bikram is very, very controlling about what you can and can't do, can and can't say, the temperature, everything is controlled by Bikram, and to his detriment," Lincicome says. "Once you break away and get a little bit of freedom, you realize wow, there's really amazing stuff out there, and this is one of those things."

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Workout: Master Core Series at Hot Method Yoga

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Written by simmons |

July 24th, 2013 at 7:43 pm

Posted in Financial

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