Virtual 30 min Yoga Class focusing on Hips, Quads and Glutes – Video

Posted: February 2, 2013 at 10:48 pm

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Virtual 30 min Yoga Class focusing on Hips, Quads and Glutes
This 30 mins free online yoga class is a simple and straight forward class that you can feel confident doing in the comfort of your own home. Physically this class focus mainly on the hips, quads and glutes making it a great practise for runners but as with any yoga class every part of the body experiences the joy of movement. Energetically this practise is slow and grounding, the legs work makes it really good for the lower chakras bringing balance into every day life.

By: LauraFisherYoga

Here is the original post:
Virtual 30 min Yoga Class focusing on Hips, Quads and Glutes - Video

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Written by simmons |

February 2nd, 2013 at 10:48 pm

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