St Luke's Presbyterian Church in Roseville rejects yoga classes

Posted: November 18, 2012 at 10:45 am

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A LONG-TIME yoga instructor has been told she can no longer teach classes in a Roseville church hall - unless she stops calling them ``yoga''.

Ruth Willetts has taughtthe classes at St Luke's Presbyterian Church for the past 27 years.

The Lindfield resident was told midway through the year that her lease would not be renewed next year.

Then last week the church told Mrs Willetts she could stay, but under a condition she said was too restrictive.

``The most difficult thing for me is to not be able to use the word yoga in any of my promotional materials,'' she said.

Mrs Willets teaches lyengar yoga which is a form of Hatha yoga. She said she did not teach or lead meditation sessions during her classes, but led exercises that focused on physical postures, breathing and relaxation.

She said the letter from the church outlining the conditions stated the words ``Yoga'' or ``Iyengar Yoga'' were not to be used to promote the business should she wish to remain on site.

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When contacted by the North Shore Times, the church's spokesman Cornelius Nel said the church had decided not to comment further on the issue.

Read more from the original source:
St Luke's Presbyterian Church in Roseville rejects yoga classes

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Written by simmons |

November 18th, 2012 at 10:45 am

Posted in Financial

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