Sex and yoga equal good night's sleep

Posted: April 3, 2013 at 11:49 am

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Daylight savings begins on Sunday. Source: Supplied

SLEEP experts are urging people to make love, practice yoga, have a hot shower and start their evening routines 15 minutes later between now and Sunday to adjust to the changeover in daylight savings.

The ReDormin Sleep Study has found yoga can increase slumber by 64 minutes, while sex and a hot shower before bed can each give you 6 minutes more sleep.

Having a partner to snuggle up to will give you 24 minutes of extra sleep, but if they snore expect to loose 14 minutes of shut-eye a night.

With clocks rolling back one hour at 2am Sunday morning, sleep therapist Dr Carmel Harrington has advised people to look at the factors that influence sleep and also prepare themselves for the change gradually.

Dr Harrington advised people to set their nightly routine back by 15 minutes every night until Sunday to adjust to the change.

She also advised a more intimate method of helping get to sleep on time when daylight savings finishes.

''Between now and Sunday people should try and go to bed 15 minutes earlier every night,'' she said.

Sex, yoga and hot showers help you sleep better, say experts.

''If dinner is normally at 7pm, for example, bring it forward to 6.45pm on Thursday night, 6.30pm Friday night and so on. By the time it gets to Sunday night and we have to go to work Monday, we are actually ready to go to bed that hour earlier.

Read more here:
Sex and yoga equal good night's sleep

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Written by simmons |

April 3rd, 2013 at 11:49 am

Posted in Financial

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