September Yoga Month Goes Online

Posted: September 2, 2013 at 3:41 pm

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Amsterdam (PRWEB) September 02, 2013

The goal of September Yoga Month is to promote awareness of yoga and educate people about the health benefits of yoga while inspiring all to embrace a healthy lifestyle. When EkhartYoga asked the founder of September Yoga Month, Johannes R. Fisslinger, about its origins he stated, We were surprised that there was really no life-affirming awareness month. Breast cancer, diabetes, etc. are all focused on the problem, to fight the disease, but not to inspire a healthy lifestyle. Therefore, Yoga Month was created. The event is coordinated by the Yoga Health Foundation, a nonprofit organization.

This year, more than 2,000 yoga studios around the world are offering one week of yoga with no charge. There will also be hundreds of events, such as complimentary classes and concerts to support September Yoga Month.

To support this campaign further, EkhartYoga is launching two new, seven-day programs. Each program includes one class per day, all building up to a longer class at the end of the week.

In the first program, Esther Ekhart focuses on Yin Yoga. This style of yoga is slow-paced and really encourages a deep release in the muscles and joints perfect for rejuvenation and recovery.

Power Yoga, a vigorous and strong style of yoga, is available from the second week of September, and is led by Sandra Carson.

The website also offers alarge number of yoga programs for beginners and for those who really want a challenge, the September Yoga Month program provides a daily practice for the whole month.

On top of that, EkhartYoga is introducing two new guest teachers in September: David Lurey and Clayton Horton, both originally from the San Francisco Bay area.

To find out more about EkhartYogas complimentary week of yoga, visit Find a local participating studio at the Yoga Health Foundation.

September Yoga Month Goes Online

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Written by simmons |

September 2nd, 2013 at 3:41 pm

Posted in Financial

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