Revolution Power Yoga presents 200-hour yoga teacher program

Posted: April 7, 2013 at 10:45 am

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The growing popularity of yoga teacher trainings may make them more accessible, but how do you know which training is right for you? Rachel Nelson, certified yoga teacher and co-owner of Revolution Power Yoga in Eagle-Vail, said it's not about knowing, but about doing.

To do a teacher training, you really don't need to know anything about yoga, said Nelson, who will be leading an upcoming program at Revolution Power Yoga. And that's what's so amazing about teacher-training by doing it, you learn.

The upcoming 200-hour yoga teacher training will be held at Revolution Power Yoga for four sessions a week, from April 17 through June 8. Students will meet every Monday, Wednesday and Friday evenings and most of the day on Saturday.

Nelson said the training and certification program will give students the tools, hands-on experience and confidence to teach an authentic, powerful and inspiring power vinyasa yoga class, based upon the teachings of Baron Baptiste. She said the program is for students and teachers of all levels and will focus on all aspects of teaching and living through the principles of yoga within a contemporary context and language. Through hours of practice teaching and hands-on assisting, the practical skills you will acquire are immediately applicable and you will leave the training ready to teach, Nelson said. You learn the alignment, the knowledge, the philosophy, and you learn how to teach a powerful class.

Nelson said students who are interested in participating should keep in mind that it will be both a physically and emotionally demanding program.

It will require a strong commitment and personal sacrifice, as well as the support of the student's primary support network, Nelson said.

Interested students must be at least 18 years old and hold a high school diploma or its equivalent. Nelson said applicants must also have: a deep desire to learn, a coachable attitude and be free of major injuries going into the program.

Doing a teacher training will change your life in ways that you would never imagine, Nelson said. You'll see yourself in a new way, and it will change how you interact with others and the world.

For more information and to apply, call Revolution Power Yoga at 970-748-3176 or email Rachel Nelson at

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Revolution Power Yoga presents 200-hour yoga teacher program

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Written by simmons |

April 7th, 2013 at 10:45 am

Posted in Financial

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