Practicing yoga keeps his focus on life

Posted: May 2, 2013 at 12:46 am

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Published: Wednesday, May 1, 2013, 12:01 a.m.

"Be kind to yourself," Paul MacNaughton told his yoga students. "Karma yoga is compassion for the body, compassion for the mind."

The teacher leading a yoga class in an airy studio at Everett Community College's new Fitness Center on Thursday wasn't on the floor. He didn't move his body like a snake would, or a cat. The yoga poses he could demonstrate he did from a seated position in a mobility scooter.

With his arms and his measured voice, MacNaughton gave precise instruction and gentle encouragement. Motions and positions he couldn't do were demonstrated by his wife, Diane Brooks. From a yoga mat at his side, she is a partner in teaching.

MacNaughton, 64, has bone cancer, which is believed to have metastasized from prostate cancer first diagnosed in 2006. The cancer was discovered in February after an MRI found the cause of excruciating pain. A 4-inch tumor was found on his sacrum, a bone at the base of the spine, which had fractured. A later scan found a small tumor on a vertebrae.

In March, MacNaughton underwent three grueling weeks of radiation at Providence Regional Cancer Partnership in Everett. He was bedridden for more than a month.

Bone strengthening and hormone treatments are now aimed at slowing the cancer's spread. Recovered from radiation's exhausting effects, MacNaughton returned to the EvCC classes he hadn't been able to teach in months.

"It's healing for me to have this work. The people here have been so nice about it," MacNaughton said after Thursday's class.

Brooks said her husband is being helped by pain medications managed by a palliative care doctor at Providence. They have asked the hard questions, and have been told MacNaughton may live a year or two, depending on treatment.

"I feel that practicing yoga has helped me to have the willingness to face mortality, life purpose, these big kinds of things," MacNaughton said. "Yoga is especially good at helping us to follow -- destiny is too strong a word -- to follow our best nature."

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Practicing yoga keeps his focus on life

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Written by simmons |

May 2nd, 2013 at 12:46 am

Posted in Financial

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