Jazz up your yoga on a paddleboard

Posted: March 12, 2013 at 9:55 pm

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Bum in the air, palms flat, I stretch my hamstrings while holding a downward dog pose.

Wobbling a little, I maintain my balance as I lower myself on to all fours and lean back into childs pose only to promptly slip off my board and splash into the sea.

When I first heard of yoga paddleboarding I thought it sounded serene. What could be better than doing a sun salutation under the sky, surrounded only by lapping waves?

But balancing on a board isnt as easy as it looks.

Wanting to jazz up my yoga practice, Id come for a 90-minute yoga paddleboarding class at Watercooled, a watersports centre near Dubai in the United Arab Emirates.

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I start by finding my balance on all fours, then grab my paddle and slowly straighten up. Without locking my knees, I stand hip width apart and paddle through turquoise waters till Im three metres deep. I dont see any fish, but signs warn of manta rays and sea urchins.

The class takes part in a harbour, so the water is calm and the bottom is sandy. But even though Dubai enjoys year-round sunshine, Im here in winter, so the water is still cool.

My instructor clips all five students boards to the same rope, so when the yoga begins theres no chance of drifting off unless you fall asleep in dead mans pose, that is.

We run through a series of basic moves, including the plank and cobra, so I stretch on my front and look to the sky. For obvious reasons symmetrical poses are best, explains the instructor, to maintain an even weight across the board. So one-handed hand stands are out, but I manage a warrior pose, stretching my right arm forward and my left leg back, before carefully swapping over.

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Jazz up your yoga on a paddleboard

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Written by simmons |

March 12th, 2013 at 9:55 pm

Posted in Financial

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