International Yoga Training School Brings Yoga To Returning Soldiers

Posted: April 1, 2013 at 1:50 am

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YogaFit, the largest yoga training school worldwide, has announced a new program, YogaFit for Warriors, a certification program for yoga instructors designed by Air Force Veteran Shaye Molendyke, neuroscientist Dr. Stephanie Shorter, and YogaFit founder Beth Shaw that prepares yoga teachers to bring safe, trauma-sensitive yoga to heal a warrior's body, mind and spirit.

Los Angeles, Calif. (PRWEB) March 27, 2013

After seeing rates of suicide climb so dramatically in the military, something just had to be done, said Shaye Molendyke, Air Force Veteran. I knew my Yogafit family could help heal my military family.

YogaFit for Warriors includes five two-day trainings that will equip yoga teachers to serve wounded warriors, and those who suffer from PTSD, stress, anxiety and other mental/physical issues developed from military service, as well as family members and other loved ones who have been impacted.

With thousands of soldiers returning home, I found it of upmost importance to develop a program specifically for them, said Beth Shaw. These teachings will rejuvenate and revitalize both their body and mind when they need it most.

Training includes the following:

Level 1 a foundational yoga teacher training that educates how to safely guide students through yoga poses using transformational language while encouraging letting go of judgments, expectations and competition

Yoga can help to free troubling emotions, perseverating thought patterns, and chronic somatic tension and hyper vigilance, said Dr. Stephanie Shorter, YogaFits Yoga Therapy Program Director, who has published research studies on how yoga and meditation can alleviate anxiety. New research is showing how yoga can reduce cortisol levels and calm the fight-or-flight response while also increasing the relaxation response.

Donation classes are being held to support the Wounded Warriors Project at ongoing Mind Body Fitness conferences every month. Partnerships are being formed with military bases to bring the trainings directly to military families. Military spouses will be eligible to participate in YogaFit for Warriors financial assistance through MyCAA and a YogaFit scholarship program is being created. A YogaFit for Warriors DVD is currently in production.

YogaFit for Warriors trainings will be offered at Mind Body Fitness Conferences in Minneapolis (May 29 June 2), Austin (August 1-4), Atlanta (October 31 November 3), Long Island (November 14-17) and Seattle (December 12-15).

See the original post here:
International Yoga Training School Brings Yoga To Returning Soldiers

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Written by simmons |

April 1st, 2013 at 1:50 am

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