How we work out: Stiff Guy Yoga

Posted: May 24, 2013 at 6:50 am

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It's no secret that females are generally more limber than males.

While the thought of stretching the body in any number of directions might scare most men, instructor Paul Shapiro says that once you get used to yoga, it brings positive change.

"Yoga is a lifestyle," said Shapiro, who holds classes at Yoga on York in Baltimore. "It helps with breathing, balance, your core and every aspect you can think of."

Shapiro started teaching a class called "Stiff Guy Yoga" in 2010, but the avid runner, biker and swimmer says he has been doing yoga for over 20 years.

"It's relaxing and it translates to other areas of your life," he said. "For example, the balance may help when you're doing laundry or other chores around the house."

"Stiff Guy Yoga" may sound humorous, but these guys take their workout seriously. And they should. Because when done properly, yoga helps alleviate tightness, tones the body and relieves stress.

Who's in the group: About 11 men ages 30 to 60 attend each session.

A typical class: Every Thursday at 7:30 p.m., men bring their mats, their energy and their stiff joints to Yoga on York.

Music set to a low volume sets the mood for a relaxing yet rewarding workout. Norah Jones' "Don't Know Why," Train's "Drops of Jupiter" and Michael Jackson's "Man in the Mirror" serve as backdrops to a peaceful atmosphere.

Shapiro starts his group with stretches before moving on to yoga formations such as downward dog and child's pose, where members drop their chest below knee level and put their heads to their mats.

Read more:
How we work out: Stiff Guy Yoga

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Written by simmons |

May 24th, 2013 at 6:50 am

Posted in Financial

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